
Megan Cope Elementary Home

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Spring 2025 Family Survey

We value your input! Please take a moment to complete our survey!
¡Valoramos su opinión! Por favor, tómese un momento para completar nuestra encuesta!
100th Day of School Flyer

100th Day of School/100º día de clases 1/29/25

It's the 100th Day of School! Dress like you're 100 years old or wear you 100th Day of School shirt!
¡Es el día número 100 de clases! ¡Vístete como si tuvieras 100 años o usa tu camiseta del día número 100 de clases!


  • 753 Growing Scholars
  • 100 Committed Staff Members
  • 9 Specialists Committed to Students
  • 1 Seahawk Family
  • 100% agree there's no place like Cope