Wear a word Friday- Vocabulary is our jam

Wear a word Friday- Vocabulary is our jam

Search your dictionary, pull out your thesaurus, and consult your books. Find a word that will RIVAL all words. Be creative, be unique, and have fun! Create a costume to showcase your final word!

We strongly encourage costumes to be homemade or to creatively modify a store-bought costume. You may wear your juicy Vocabulary Word and costume to school on this special day. Per school policy, we ask that costumes not depict violent objects.

We will be holding a ¨Vocabulary Showcase¨ within our classrooms and grade levels. Students will be able to share their selected vocabulary words and costumes throughout the school day. For inspiration in creating your costume, there are lots of great ideas by simply googling ¨Vocabulary Day Parade¨ or on pinterest.

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