Mr. Chad Wood » Seahawk Band FAQ

Seahawk Band FAQ



Q: Will the school provide instruments for the students?

A:  We have a limited selection of instruments that we will loan out to students for the school year.  There is a high demand for these loaner instruments.  Students who wish to receive a free school instrument for band have an estimated 1 in 10 chance of getting it.  The instruments are distributed by random selection of a drawing.  This does not take into account grades, prior music experience, or any other factor.  The only exception is for second-year band students, who will receive the same instrument that they borrowed the previous year, if needed.  I highly encourage students to acquire their own instrument rental. 


Q: Will it cost money?

A: Here is an estimated breakdown of the cost:

  • Instrument rental through Nick Rail Music: $20-$35/month.
  • Valve oil/cork grease/instrument maintenance kits: $5 to $15.
  • Band book: The first one is provided by the school.  Replacement books are $15.


Q: Where can I rent an instrument?

A: I recommend renting through Nick Rail Music (  This vendor will come to the school and set up a rental with your child.  The rentals are $20 a month (the most affordable I have ever seen as a band director).  I have set up an instrument rental night for Megan Cope Elementary.  It will be on Sept 20th from 4:00 to 6:00 PM, in the MPR.  A representative from Nick Rail will be here, with instruments, to quickly set you up with a very generously priced rental.


Q: Will my child be able to bring the instrument home? 

A: Yes.  In fact, your child will be expected to bring the instrument home and practice for 10 to 15 minutes a day, 6 days a week.  Regular, disciplined practice habits are one of the fundamental musician’s skills.


Q:  Can my child learn more than one instrument:

A: For band class, the students will each learn one instrument.  I am resistant to instrument changing, unless the student needs to play a different instrument in order to be successful (e. g., the student’s facial structure is not compatible with trumpet, so we give that student a trombone).  Changing instruments throughout the year only stunts the child’s growth as a musician.  Time is too limited to teach one student two instruments.


Q:  Will there be concerts?

A:  Yes, depending on the speed that the students are developing.  If possible, we have the students play in the Christmas program.  At the end of the year, we have the students play a short recital in the spring program.  The band meets once a week, and is mainly for students to learn the first rudiments of playing an instrument.  But, performances are valuable to the students, families, school, and community, and so I make an effort to get them to perform at least once during the school year.


Q:  What are the instrument choices?

A:  Flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, violin, cello.  We also have a once-per-week guitar/ukulele class.